Education and Empowerment for the Caribbean

Gandoca is located in the region of Talamanca. Talamanca is the most impoverished region in Costa Rica, with 50% of the population lives in extreme poverty, with no access to drinking water and electricity. The average level of education in this region is primary schooling. Unemployment and lack of access to resources have made the people of this region extremely vulnerable to economic, social and environmental changes.

Our goal is to empower the people of Gandoca with confidence, clarity and vision to design a sustainable future for themselves and their environment. This initiative is led by Punta Mona, Dress your Rights and The Development Association (AD) of Gandoca. We are a group of three passionate organisations looking to make a change.

On February 18, 2021, we made a diagnostic visit to explore the needs of both The Development Association (AD) of Gandoca and the local community. The AD has made many efforts and attempts to carry out actions that positively impact the community; they have not been able to access Dinadeco funds that correspond to them because they lack the knowledge, tools and techniques that allow them to develop an operational work plan.

We are raising money to provide educational tools, experiences, and resources for the people of Gandoca.

Our goal is to raise $11,111 to provide training programs that will enable participants to develop an operational work plan for the development association (AD) to promote active, conscious and peaceful participation to strengthen the community and democracy of the inhabitants of Gandoca, Talamanca, Costa Rica.

Support our fundraiser here

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